Shipping Rates
We use Australia Post to ship goods within Australia:
We recommend that you choose the Australia Post shipping option with insurance.
The shipping rates can be estimated at the detail product information pages and also calculated in the shopping cart, when you enter your Country / Postcode information.
We do not currently ship to overseas desitnations either directly or via third parties such as freight forwarding firms.
We also only ship to the buyer of the goods, and any purchase made as a "gift" to a third party will be packed and shipped with our receipt and store details included.
If the total weight of goods ordered exceeds the Australia Post standard parcel weight limitation of 22kg, we will present a shipping method “CUSTOM QUOTE” to you. Please use the “Create Quote From Cart” button presented in the shopping cart.
We will provide you with a quotation for shipping by email or phone. If you are happy to proceed with the order, you can then accept the final quotation via our website.
You can track the status of your order on our website via your Account.
We also offer a FREE “Pick Up In Store” option to customers whose delivery postcode is within Victoria, Australia. To select this option, you must be able to arrange to collect the goods at our record shop located at 46 Forest Road, Ferntree Gully during our trading hours.